With the weather the way it is at the moment, it's definitely true to say, it never rains but it pours.
As though the cost of living isn't bad enough at the moment, the Government-mandated alcohol duty hike happens on 1 August 2023.
Lots of independent craft distillers have been lobbying hard to protest the change but sadly come midnight, the increase comes in meaning that the amount of duty that we have to pay on spirit has increased by 10.1%.
This means that from midnight last night, duty increased to £12.66 a litre for a 40% ABV Rum, this works out to be £8.86 per 70cl bottle of 40% ABV Rum. Our Navy Strength has increased to £18.03 per litre or £12.62 per bottle.
Since we launched Norfolk Rum we have faced some considerable hurdles. The cost of our raw materials has doubled, the cost of energy has sky rocketed and the cost of our glass bottles has increased by 80%. We like everyone at this time are feeling the pinch, however we have kept the prices the same for all of our products throughout.
This increase in duty is across the board - you will notice different pricing for all spirits in most supermarkets, bars and restaurants as it affects us all.
However, unlike the majority of brands, we are doing what we can to absorb these increased costs without compromising the quality of our product and so we WILL NOT be increasing our prices inline with todays increase in duty and we will continue doing what we can to absorb these increased costs for as long as possible.
Your business is always very much appreciated and please keep supporting your independent craft spirits as it's never been so tough and sadly, not all will make it through these tough times.
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